Global Equities: A Tug-of-War for Investor Sentiment
Equities: Time to Get In? Out?
Rising Rates Open New Vistas for Stock Pickers
Inflation & Equities: Look Ahead, Not Behind
Global Investing in a Trumped-Up World
Trump Accelerates Move to a New Era for Equities
Active-Passive Debate: The Public Policy Angle
Beating the Fear Factor in Equity Markets
Conviction Adds Clarity in Complex Markets
Don’t Submit to Market Distortions
Reconnecting with Energy Stocks

Reconnecting with Energy Stocks

by Sharon Fay

Plunging oil prices since mid-2014 have led many equity investors to shun energy stocks. We think that’s a mistake. By studying the aftermath of previous oil shocks, we believe investors can gain insight to prepare for a possible rebound.


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Grappling with Geopolitical Risk

by Sharon Fay

Financial markets have faced an increasing array of geopolitical risks this year. In our view, investors should put these events into the right context and focus on how individual companies might be affected when considering their potential impact on equity positions or allocations.


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