Andrew Stumacher

Andrew Stumacher

Managing Director—Custom Defined Contribution Solutions

18 Years at AB
18 Years of experience

Andrew Stumacher is a Senior Vice President and Managing Director for AB’s Customized Defined Contribution Solutions. He is responsible for developing, implementing and driving the growth of custom target-date, model portfolio and retirement income strategies for the large and mega-size institutional plan market, in which AB serves as one of the largest managers in the US. Stumacher works in close collaboration with plan sponsors, consultants and external business partners to develop innovative and flexible products to improve outcomes for DC plans and participants. He joined the firm in 2004 as a marketing analyst, focusing on strategy and development for new institutional products. From 2011 to 2017, Stumacher managed the integration of AB’s DC products with recordkeepers, trustees, custodians, insurers and investment managers as the DC partner relationship officer. He holds a BS in applied economics and management from Cornell University and an MBA from Wagner College as well as the Certified Annuity Specialist™ designation from the Institute of Business & Finance. Location: New York

As Workforce Sentiments Change, Retirement Income Needs Haven’t
Moving Beyond Averages
Improve Your Retirement Plan to Improve Your Bottom Line
Lifetime Income Fees vs. Costs: Look Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg
Portfolio Risks Don’t Stop When Retirement Starts
Stable Retirement Income Is a Process, Not One & Done
Future-Income Focus May Boost Current DC Plan Savings
As Retirement Income Needs Grow, DC Plan Sponsors Weigh Solutions
Stick to the Plan! Benefits of Remaining in DC Plans During Retirement
Lifetime Income: Weighing Costs vs. Benefits

Lifetime Income: Weighing Costs vs. Benefits

by Jennifer DeLong, Andrew Stumacher
With the likely passage of the SECURE Act within the new government appropriations bill, annuities will gain safe harbor protections. This—and presumed cost concerns—has been a sticking point making some plan sponsors hesitate to offer a lifetime income solution in their defined contribution plans. There are important and valuable benefits that only annuities can provide. So they deserve another look.

Target-Date Solutions

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Five Lessons Packaged Target-Date Solutions Can Learn from Customization

Five Lessons Packaged Target-Date Solutions Can Learn from Customization

by Jennifer DeLong, Andrew Stumacher
As defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors know, the US Department of Labor recommends considering both packaged and custom target-date strategies when choosing a solution. As we see it, packaged solutions can learn a few things from fully customized target-date solutions, which are generally used by large and megasize plan sponsors.

Asset Allocation, Multi-Asset, Target-Date Solutions

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Finding a Flexible, Plan Sponsor-Friendly Secure Income Solution
US DC Plan Participants Want Certainty and Control

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