Kevin F. Simms

Kevin F. Simms

Chief Investment Officer—Global/International Value Equities

27 Years at AB
30 Years of experience

Kevin F. Simms, an AB Partner, was appointed Chief Investment Officer of Global and International Value Equities and chairman of the Global Investment Policy Group in July 2014. He has held the position of Chief Investment Officer of International Value Equities since 2012, after having served as co-CIO since 2003. He was also the Global Director of Value Research from 2000 to 2012. During his tenure as chief investment officer and research director, Simms has been instrumental in implementing significant enhancements to the firm’s cross-border research process. From 1998 to 2000, he served as director of research for Emerging Markets Value Equities. Simms joined the firm in 1992 as a research analyst, and his industry coverage over the next six years included financial services, telecom and utilities. Prior to that, he was a certified public accountant with Price Waterhouse. Simms earned a BSBA from Georgetown University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Location: New York

Valuing Stocks Requires a Human Touch
Are Markets More Rational in the Information Age?

Oil Price Won’t Stay Low Forever

by Kevin Simms

When OPEC leaders convene in Vienna tomorrow, the recent sharp decline in the oil price will top the agenda. Yet despite the pressures, our research suggests that the underlying economics of production should eventually drive the oil price higher from current levels.


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Getting Back into Value Equities

by Kevin Simms

It finally feels like a great time to be a value investor again. After several challenging years, market conditions have become much more conducive to finding undervalued, controversial stocks with long-term payoff potential. Even after this year’s equity-market rally, we think the value rebound is just beginning.


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Value Investing and the Philosopher’s Stone

by Kevin Simms, Joseph G. Paul

When J.K. Rowling finished her first manuscript of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 1995, she submitted it to 12 publishers, who all rejected the book. In time, those publishers would regret missing the chance to back an unknown author who would later take the world by storm. Like the publishers who passed over Harry Potter, we believe that many investors today risk missing a historic opportunity to invest against the grain in attractively valued stocks across the globe.


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