Why Invest with AllianceBernstein?

AB is a leading global investment-management and research firm. We strive to anticipate the needs of a broad spectrum of clients worldwide and deliver a comprehensive range of investment solutions to meet them today, tomorrow and beyond.

$691 BN
Assets Under Management Globally1
50+ Years
Of Experience in Investment Management
Investment Professionals

1As of 30 June, 2023


Our Solutions

Committed to Delivering Better Investment Outcomes

Embracing Innovation

Using Question-Driven Data Science to Gain New Perspectives and Insights

Using Data Science to Track the Recovery

This dashboard uses alternative data to provide an up-to-date visual look at US and global key indicators. We’ve also included videos that describe how AB is using modern data-science techniques to generate insights.

The Black Book for 2023 Investing in a Post-Pandemic, Post-Global World
Systematic Fixed-Income Investing Comes of Age
AB IQ: Quarterly Newsletter with a Deeper Look at Top-of-Mind Issues for Institutional Investors

Our Vision of Corporate Responsibility*

At AB, we view responsibility as an active pursuit throughout the firm—from the way we work and act to our community service and the investment solutions we deliver to our clients.

*We integrate material ESG factors into most of AB’s actively managed strategies. 

AB has a strong commitment to being a responsible firm.

ESG integration and engagement are fundamental to our responsible investment and research processes.

Leveraging our perspective as a responsible firm and investor, we’ve designed Portfolios with Purpose to achieve financial objectives with a dedicated ESG focus.