Responsible Investing:

Solutions — Portfolios with Purpose

Investment Solutions - Portfolios with Purpose

Responsible investing is a personal journey. Clients may have different environmental and social priorities, and preferences for different investment approaches. To try to meet this need, we’ve developed our suite of Portfolios with Purpose—our ESG-focused strategies.

Our Capabilities


AB Responsible+ investment solutions target specific ESG objectives, such as carbon neutrality, and adopt a range of approaches – including negative and positive screens, carbon emissions and pricing filters.

Strategies fall into one of the following three subcategories; Climate Conscious, ESG Leaders and Change Catalysts.


Sustainable solutions focusing on issuers that meet present needs without compromising the well-being of future generations.

Includes some equity, fixed-income and multi-asset strategies that invest in companies whose products and services contribute to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals - focusing on Climate, Health and Empowerment.


Impact solutions aim to make a measurable social or environmental impact with investments.

For example, by investing in historically marginalised and low-socioeconomic-status communities throughout the US.

Before investing, prospective investors should consult their financial adviser to determine if an investment is appropriate for them.

The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise. Your capital is at risk.

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Our dedicated and talented teams of investment professionals collaborate across markets, asset classes and investment strategies to meet a wide range of unique objectives.