Why Invest with AllianceBernstein?

AB is a leading global investment-management and research firm. We strive to anticipate the needs of a broad spectrum of clients worldwide and deliver a comprehensive range of investment solutions to meet them today, tomorrow and beyond.

$770 Bil.
Assets Under Management Globally1
50+ Years
Of Experience in Investment Management
Investment Professionals

1As of 30 June 2024


Unlock the Future of Fixed Income: Explore our Systematic Strategies

We’re an active manager that integrates deep fixed income expertise with innovative technology to deliver attractive systematic fixed income solutions.

The Book for 2024: A Preliminary Language for a Post-Global World
Capital Markets Outlook
AB IQ: Quarterly Newsletter with a Deeper Look at Top-of-Mind Issues for Institutional Investors

Our Solutions

Committed to Delivering Better Investment Outcomes

Our Vision of Corporate Responsibility

At AB, we view responsibility as an active pursuit throughout the firm—from the way we work and act to our community service and the investment solutions we deliver to our clients.

AB has a strong commitment to being a responsible firm.

ESG integration and engagement are fundamental to our responsible investment and research processes.

We integrate material ESG factors into most of AB’s actively managed strategies.

Leveraging our perspective as a responsible firm and investor, we’ve designed Portfolios with Purpose to achieve financial objectives with a dedicated ESG focus.