AB Responsibility Report


Our Vision of Corporate Responsibility

At AB, we view responsibility as an active pursuit that unites our firm—from the way we work and act to our community service and the investment solutions we deliver to our clients. Whether you’re a global institution, financial advisor or high-net-worth individual, we’re committed to being your most valued partner. 

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AB has a strong commitment to being a responsible firm.

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ESG integration and engagement are fundamental to our responsible investment and research processes.

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Leveraging our perspective as a responsible firm and investor, we’ve designed Portfolios with Purpose to achieve financial objectives with a dedicated ESG focus.


Responsibility Requires More Than Words

We Act Responsibly

We have a strong commitment to advancing our efforts as a responsible firm.


We Invest Responsibly

We integrate material ESG risks and opportunities in our investment process for most of our actively managed strategies and design purpose-driven solutions.

How We Act
Illustration of a leaf

Environmental Stewardship

We’re working to reduce our impact on the global environment—rethinking our business operations to use fewer of Earth’s precious resources. And we’re working to establish appropriate science-driven environmental metrics and targets for AB.

Illustration of the planet Earth

Social Responsibility

We’re striving to become a more dynamic, diverse and inclusive firm that engages employees, advances corporate social behavior and stays connected to our many communities.

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Corporate Governance

Our business model is built on a strong risk-aware culture, prudent risk-taking and a robust governance framework that continues to evolve in the context of our limited partnership.

Icebergs floating in ocean

Barron's: The World Is Starting to Pivot on Climate. It’s Not Enough.


Responsible Investing

As responsible investors, we scrutinize the environmental behavior of the majority of the companies we research.


Data Disclosure

Explore detailed data on AB’s corporate responsibility efforts, including information on our workforce, greenhouse gas emissions and philanthropy.

Our Strategy

Responsibility Throughout AB

To implement our responsibility strategy and measure its progress, we’ve created a structure that reflects our firmwide commitment to responsibility, from the Responsibility Steering Committee to ESG analysts and investors as well as the infrastructure that supports them.

Pyramid illustration of AB's structure: Responsibility Steering Committee at the top, followed by Responsible Investing Teams and Investing Teams, followed by ESG Analysts, ESG Working Teams, Tools and Infrastructure, Training and Strategic Partnerships on the lowest level of the pyramid

We’re committed to being leaders in responsibility—both in how we act as a firm and how we invest on behalf of our clients.

Seth Bernstein—President and CEO

Asian man in business suit welcoming a conversation

We Encourage Conversations

Please email our Responsibility team with any questions or comments.


Responsibility is a long-term commitment for AB. We are committed to being both a responsible investor and a responsible corporation.

Erin Bigley, CFA—Chief Responsibility Officer