Climate Change Statement and 2023 TCFD Report

The Critical Role of Responsibility

At AB, we’re invested in being a responsible firm—both in how we act and how we invest on behalf of our clients. We believe that research, engagement and integration of material ESG issues can help us better assess risks and identify opportunities, ultimately leading to enhanced decision-making and better client outcomes.

The industry expertise of our investment team is important to developing an understanding of material ESG issues. Moreover, AB’s Responsibility team complements the investment teams’ research and engagement efforts. The Responsibility team members have domain expertise in E, S and G issues, which can be used to challenge the investment teams’ thinking and equip our fundamental analysts with tools and training to consider material ESG issues, where applicable. 


Responsibility Is Embedded Throughout the Firm

AB’s Responsibility team, comprising experts in corporate responsibility and environmental, social and governance issues, partners with our investment teams at the heart of our responsible investing practices. Their work is supported by internal and external resources, and overseen by our Responsibility Steering Committee and AB’s Board of Directors. 


Proxy Voting 

To be effective stewards of our clients' investments and maximize shareholder value, we need to vote proxies on behalf of our clients responsibly. As a research-driven firm, we approach our proxy-voting responsibilities with the same commitment to rigorous research and engagement that we apply to all our investment activities.

Global-Related Proxy Information

  • Proxy Voting and Governance Policy

  • Charter of the Proxy Voting and Governance Committee


Vote Disclosure


Our Industry Involvement


Why Investment Teams Need to Lead the Way

At AB, our Responsibility team helps portfolio managers and analysts consider and engage on material ESG risks and opportunities holistically and consistently, challenging investment teams’ thinking and encouraging analysts to incorporate this perspective into their financial models and outlooks. This robust approach helps teams consider material ESG risks and opportunities throughout their investment processes—ultimately driving better client outcomes.


Our Approach to ESG Integration

From idea generation to ongoing stewardship, integrating ESG involves considering material ESG risks and opportunities throughout the investment process.


Process in Action


The Active Engagement Advantage

As active investors, engagement is important to our process. Each year, AB analysts engage with leaders of companies and noncorporate entities, including municipalities, supranational and sovereign issuers. We also engage selectively through our proxy-voting activities.

These connections allow us to assess, discuss and encourage better business practices and approaches to address rapidly evolving material ESG issues. We believe that engagement can drive better research and better outcomes for our clients.


How ESG Integration Can Improve Outcomes

ESG risks are often financial risks. With strong research, engagement and integration of material ESG issues, we can better assess risks and identify opportunities—the path to improved investment decision-making.

Columbia University

Climate Academy

AB and the Columbia Climate School are partnering to address the risks and opportunities related to climate change. Together, we hope to research the most pressing climate issues, embed those insights throughout our investment process where applicable and educate others.


How Does Engagement Make a Difference?


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Engagement enhances our research process, generating insight into issuers’ corporate strategies and competitive positioning. It also reveals how management teams, as well as company boards, address and manage medium- and long-term risks and opportunities, including material ESG considerations. By engaging, we believe that we’re also able to better assess the quality of an issuer’s management, strategy, operations and corporate governance structure. We incorporate this valuable information into our quantitative and qualitative security analysis and investment decisions. We consider financial and nonfinancial performance factors when we believe that they could materially affect long-term financial outcomes.

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Engagement helps us support our clients’ interests by enabling us to share our ESG research assessment and corporate governance policies to encourage issuers to better address material ESG risks or take advantage of ESG opportunities, in our clients’ best interests. Discussions can focus on strategic, financial, material ESG and climate-related issues, but the goal is always the same: to encourage firms to make decisions with a long-term view that is in the best interest of our clients.

Gear Icon with connected shapes showing collaboration


We sometimes work with non-AB investors, asset owners and ESG-focused organizations on engagement. This can happen when we’ve independently arrived at the same conclusion as other managers and believe that collaboration might help address specific issues. The goal of collaborating is to share information and ideas.


Collaborate, Explore, Advance

Proprietary Research Collaboration Platforms

We’ve innovated platforms that power collaboration between our analysts within and across asset classes as we research and engage with issuers.



Our fixed-income ESG research platform, PRISM, provides independent ESG assessments and scores that affect investment decisions. The goal, of course, is straightforward: better and faster information can empower better decisions.



ESIGHT is a one-stop online shop where AB investment teams can access and share proprietary information about corporate ESG practices. We’ve launched several ESIGHT enhancements, including an ESG knowledge center, COVID-19 research and country ESG scores for fixed income.

Finding Responsible Solutions

Responsible investing is a personal journey. Clients may have different environmental and social priorities, and preferences for different investment approaches. To try to meet this need, we’ve developed our suite of Portfolios with Purpose—our ESG-focused strategies.

Icon for the year 2013

Year first Portfolio with Purpose was launched

Dollars invested in Portfolios with Purpose


Portfolios with Purpose

We manage US$29 billion in Portfolios with Purpose today, one of the most rapidly growing segments of our business. We also manage US$528 billion in assets that use ESG integration and other enhancements.


Leaf Icon


Use an additional responsibility focus, such as climate resilience, ESG improvement or best-in-class allocations. These portfolios adopt a range of strategies to improve management of material ESG risks and opportunities, and they fall into one of the following three subcategories: Climate Conscious, ESG Leaders and Change Catalysts.

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Invest in issuers that address environmental or social factors, whether through their products, services or practices. Prominent themes include climate, health and empowerment.

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Invest in issuers that can provide a positive and measurable impact on society or the environment.


UN SDGs: A Road Map for Investors 

In recent years, severe weather damage; the global pandemic; and political, economic, and social unrest have made ESG issues more tangible, fueling a global movement around taking responsibility for addressing these challenges.

Sustainable development involves finding solutions to these critical challenges. Directing capital to businesses providing solutions to these issues can provide investors with exposure to fast-growing industries that may help to preserve and, ultimately, increase their wealth.

The United Nations (UN) established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a powerful framework of 17 goals to help countries address the challenges of economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and social inclusion. They represent an aspirational view of what the world can look like by 2030. We believe the UN SDGs can help investors connect the world’s crises with actionable investment themes, serving as a road map for translating sustainability issues into investible opportunities.

Based on this mind-set, we’ve developed a practical framework focused on four themes: climate, health, empowerment and strong institutions for sovereigns.


Sustainable Themes


Efforts to stem climate change are gaining momentum around the world. Many consumers, businesses and policymakers are recognizing the need for change.

  • Cleaner energy
  • Resource efficiency
  • Sanitation and recycling
  • Sustainable transportation
Single windmill with sunset in background


Healthcare spending is rising, and people are living longer, which raises complex issues for access to high-quality and affordable medicine and long-term care.

  • Access to quality care
  • Food security and clean water
  • Medical innovation
  • Well-being
Two people holding hands sitting across from each other


Many sectors of society are marginalized by economic and social forces. Physical and technological infrastructure is needed to enable sustainable economic development, employment growth, poverty eradication and social inclusion.

  • Education and employment services
  • Financial security and inclusion
  • Information and communication
  • Sustainable infrastructure
Women with dark hair and skin driving a truck

Strong Institutions

Responsible sovereigns provide the foundation for the private sector to innovate and for effective and accountable public policymaking.

  • Freedom and fundamental rights
  • Anti-corruption and government
  • Law and order
Upwards view of decorative columns on a white building

Featured Reports

2022 Responsibility Report

2023 Stewardship Report

2023 TCFD Report




  • 2023 SASB Disclosures

  • Global Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement and 2023 Report

  • Global Stewardship Statement and 2023 Report

  • Climate Change Statement and 2023 Report



  • PRI Assessment Report 2022


Policies and Statements

  • Proxy Voting and Governance Policy

  • AB Corporate Governance Advancement Expectations in Japan

  • Statement on Controversial Weapons

  • Letters to Policymakers



  • 2024 US Proxy Season Preview



  • 2023 US Proxy Season Review

  • Significant & Escalation Votes and Rationales

    Learn More
  • 2023 US Proxy Season Preview


As a registered investment advisor, AllianceBernstein L.P. ("AB", "we" or "us") has a fiduciary duty to act solely in the best interests of our clients. We recognize that this duty requires us to vote client securities in a timely manner and make voting decisions that are in the best interests of our clients. Consistent with these obligations, we will disclose our clients' voting records only to them and as required by mutual fund vote disclosure regulations. In addition, the proxy committees may, after careful consideration, choose to respond to surveys regarding past votes.

This statement is intended to comply with Rule 206(4)-6 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. It sets forth our policies and procedures for voting proxies for our discretionary investment advisory clients, including investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. This statement applies to AB's investment groups investing on behalf of clients in both US and non-US securities.

Performance Tables


Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) Disclosures

The SRD II aims to encourage long-term shareholder engagement and transparency between traded companies and investors. Asset managers and institutional investors can play a vital role in the responsible stewardship of assets.


Transparency in Coverage