We integrate material ESG factors into most of AB’s actively managed strategies (approximately 80% of our actively managed strategies as of March 31, 2024). AB engages issuers when it believes the engagement is in the best financial interest of its clients.
Our Vision of Corporate Responsibility
At AB, we view responsibility as an active pursuit that unites our firm—from the way we work and act to our community service and the investment solutions we deliver to our clients. Whether you’re a global institution, financial advisor or high-net-worth individual, we’re committed to being your most valued partner.
Barron's: The World Is Starting to Pivot on Climate. It’s Not Enough.
Data points as of June 30, 2024.
Responsible Investing
As responsible investors, we scrutinize the environmental behavior of the majority of the companies we research.
Responsibility Throughout AB
To implement our responsibility strategy and measure its progress, we’ve created a structure that reflects our firmwide commitment to responsibility, from the Responsibility Steering Committee to ESG analysts and investors as well as the infrastructure that supports them.
We’re committed to being leaders in responsibility—both in how we act as a firm and how we invest on behalf of our clients.
Seth Bernstein—President and CEO
We Encourage Conversations
Please email our Responsibility team with any questions or comments.
Responsibility is a long-term commitment for AB. We are committed to being both a responsible investor and a responsible corporation.
Erin Bigley, CFA—Chief Responsibility Officer