Corporate Responsibility and Governance

Our Vision of Corporate Responsibility*

At AB, we view responsibility as an active pursuit that unites our firm—from the way we work and act to our community service and the investment solutions we deliver to our clients. Whether you’re a global institution, fund selector or wealth manager, we’re committed to being your most valued partner.

AB has a strong commitment to being a responsible firm.

ESG integration and engagement are fundamental to our responsible investment and research processes.

We’ve designed our Portfolios with Purpose to achieve financial objectives with a dedicated ESG focus.

* We integrate material ESG factors into 79% of AB’s actively managed strategies, as at 30 June 2024.

Serving Our Communities

AB’s commitment to serving and supporting our communities worldwide is stronger than ever. Our holistic approach to giving back follows a five-pillared strategy: philanthropy, volunteering, board participation, gift matching and civic engagement. It connects our people and resources to charitable organizations that work every day to meet our communities' most pressing needs.

Since announcing the relocation of AB’s headquarters to Nashville, Tennessee in 2019, the firm—together with our people—has donated nearly $34 million to charitable organizations worldwide.

Over $7M
Total charitable in 2023
Employees volunteered
Total volunteer service hours

As of 31 December 2023

Engaging Our Employees

To help our workforce thrive, we need to do more than develop talent and careers. By encouraging employees to celebrate their commonalities and shared interests, we’re creating a diverse, inclusive and connected firm.

Putting Employee Wellness First

Staff wellness is always top of mind at AB. We’ve assembled a comprehensive program focused on the whole person: offering competitive benefits, learning and career development and promoting financial, physical and mental wellness. Our goal is to make AB a better and more fulfilling place to work—and a firm that better reflects the society we live in.

We’ve put the health and safety of our employees and their loved ones first, enhancing our wellness programs to include a robust catalog of offerings and tools such as physician podcasts, mindfulness and meditation apps, parenting resources, and virtual therapy programs, while emphasizing transparency in senior leadership decision-making.

Diverse, Independent Corporate Leadership

AB’s Executive Officers and Board of Directors oversee the firm’s strategic direction. The following board characteristics reflect our belief in strong governance guided by diversity of thought:

Majority—independent 10-person Board of Directors

Independent Chairman of the Board

Separation of duties between Chairman and CEO

Distinct skills, perspectives and backgrounds

Four Standing Board Committees


Audit & Risk

Corporate Governance

Compensation and Workplace Practices


Diversity and Inclusion

Promoting Gender and Racial Equity

At AB, we want every person to have the opportunity to succeed based on merit, regardless of race, colour, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender identity expression, military or veteran status, or any other criterion. Why is this so important? To us, diverse and inclusive teams enriched with people of distinctive backgrounds make us better. They help us generate better ideas, reach more balanced decisions, engage our communities and help our clients achieve better outcomes.

Diversity Recruitment

Implement new recruitment processes that give diverse candidates greater access.

Accountability at All Levels

Develop leaders who demonstrate and promote inclusive behaviours.

Diverse Talent Development

Foster an inclusive environment where diverse talent thrives.

Women In Finance Charter

As of 30 April 2024 we have 22% female representation in senior management. Our aspirational goal is to reach 25% by June 2025

Public Company Related Documents

The corporate governance documents that help promote the effective functioning of the Board, its committees and our company as a whole can be viewed on our Corporate website.

Responsible Investing and Proxy Voting Information

AB's policies, statements and reports concerning responsible investing, stewardship proxy voting and governance as well as our fund sustainability-related disclosures (SFDR Classifications) are all available in our commitment to responsible investing section.